Endowment Fund
Northeastern Oklahoma Wood Turners Association
Agency Fund Created with Tulsa Community Foundation
Several of the NEOWTA Members have expressed an interest in contributing to an Endowment Fund which will be used to provide for the long term benefit of the organization. Such a fund has now been created with the Tulsa Community Foundation and some of the characteristics of the fund as well as methods for making contributions to it are summarized here.
Important characteristics of the Agency Fund
This fund is for assets to be invested by The Tulsa Community Foundation on behalf of NEOWTA. Contributions to the fund are irrevocable. The earnings of the fund and under some conditions the assets of the fund will be available for the operation of NEOWTA “to foster a wider understanding and appreciation of woodturning as a craft and art form.” These earnings can be used by the Board of Directors of NEOWTA as they see fit within the above restriction.
Funds may be contributed now or included in your estate planning through your will or trusts. Details are attached.
Please contact TCF at 7030 South Yale Avenue ∙ Suite 600 ∙ Tulsa, OK 74136 ∙ Tel. 918-494-8823 for additional information, if needed, and to obtain a Gift Verification Form.
Transfer Instructions for Contributions
Donor should mail or hand-deliver check to the offices of TCF at 7030 South Yale Avenue ∙ Suite 600 ∙ Tulsa, OK 74136 and include a signed note indicating that the contribution is for the Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Association Fund, and include the Account Number 91-0061-x7-0. Special instructions should also be included if necessary.
Wire Cash and ACH:
Call TCF prior to the free delivery. Give the following instructions to your donor or your donor’s financial representative:
Bank of Oklahoma, N.A.
ABA #1039-00036
Credit Account #600024642 – Trust Funds
FFC: 91-0061-x7-0, Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Association Fund
Attn: Jessica Findahl-Lee or Mary Thomason
Jessica’s Contact Information: 918-293-7984, Jessica.Lee@bokf.com
Wire Stock, Corporate Bonds, and other Marketable Securities:
Call TCF prior to the free delivery. Specifically, TCF needs the following information:
Number of shares being transferred
Name of security being transferred (i.e., company name and trading symbol)
CUSIP Number
Give the following instructions to your donor or your donor’s financial representative:
DTC # 0901 – The Bank of New York
A/C # 016071 – Bank of Oklahoma, Trust Department
FFC: 91-0061-x7-0, Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Association Fund
Wire Government Securities, including Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds and FNMAs:
Call TCF prior to the free delivery. Give the following instructions to your donor or your donor’s financial representative:
Bank of Oklahoma – Tulsa/Trust
ABA #1039-00036
(must use receive code “TRUST”)
FFC: 91-0061-x7-0, Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Association Fund
Mutual Funds
Call TCF prior to the impending wire. Specifically, TCF needs the following information:
Number of shares being transferred
Name of mutual fund being transferred (i.e., company name and trading symbol)
CUSIP Number
Name and telephone number of the individual broker representing your donor
Processing time for gifts of mutual funds will vary, depending on whether or not TCF’s financial manager has an active account open for the mutual fund being transferred.
Physical Stock Certificate
Donor should:
Hand-deliver certificate and accompanying Assignment* to TCF offices, or
should mail certificate separate from Assignment* (copy the Assignment on the following page for your donor) to TCF-
It is very important that the certificate and Assignment* be mailed separately, as neither is negotiable without the other.
Donor should include a signed note indicating Account Number 91-0061-x7-0, Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Association Fund
*Donor must have the Assignment medallion guaranteed at any brokerage house or national bank prior to mailing or hand-delivery. A copy of an Assignment follows, and can be copied for your donor’s use.
Privately-held Securities
TCF needs the following information:
Number of shares being transferred
Name of privately-held company being transferred
CUSIP Number
Name and telephone number of the individual broker representing the donor.
Planned Gifts
TCF needs the following information:
Copy of signed document (i.e. Will, Revocable Trust, Charitable Trust, change of owner/beneficiary form for life insurance or retirement account, etc.)
In lieu of a signed copy of the document, TCF will accept a signed Gift Verification Form
Date of Birth of Donor(s)
Please use the following legal name. Tulsa Community Foundation [73-1554474] FBO: Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Association Fund.
For IRA Rollover Gifts:
1. The Donor (Plan Participant) should contact TCF advising them a gift is being transferred to TCF’s account along with the approximate dollar amount.
2. Wire Stock, Corporate Bonds, and other Marketable Securities:
Call TCF prior to the delivery. Specifically, TCF needs the following information:
Number of shares being transferred
Name of security being transferred (i.e., company name and trading symbol)
CUSIP Number
3. Give the following instructions to your financial representative:
DTC # 0901 – The Bank of New York
A/C # 016071 – Bank of Oklahoma, Trust Department
FFC: 91-0061-x7-0, Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Association Fund
Please contact TCF at 7030 South Yale Avenue ∙ Suite 600 ∙ Tulsa, OK 74136 ∙ Tel. 918-494-8823 for additional information, if needed, and to obtain a Gift Verification Form.
Sample Language for Bequests
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Tulsa Community Foundation, Inc. (Tax ID number 73-1554474), an Oklahoma not-for-profit corporation, (a sum of money, percentage of my estate, the full value of my IRA, or description of the gift). This gift is to be used exclusively to fund and/or augment the Northeastern Oklahoma Woodturners Association Fund.”